905A — Pointless work for pointless pay…

It's been a while, but here's a blog from the daily series on the private blog (email me at az23@mit.edu for access). The Year in Review is coming soon, hopefully by January 31st (but we'll have to see). Also, this title is from a meme song and is absolutely not a reference to my work this IAP, which I love very much. Today was an okay day. As the normal tradeoff goes, I got more work-related stuff done today, but got very little blog writing done, which is problematic because there are multiple blogs I want to produce this week. This is a good reason to try and start recovering my sleep schedule, so, in fact, that is exactly what I will try and do by keeping this blog entry, in general, short. I reserve the right to ramble—but anyways. I got up today just before noon after struggling immensely. I spent today editing an interview that was…extremely difficult to cut down. Last interview was hard enough, but this one includes a lot of sentence fragments and branching tangen...