Un-numbered D: A Reflection on This School Year
Intro This was written for an assignment for AP Lit, but I thought it was a valuable exercise, and it really improved my mood. My last AP test and finals still haven't happened, but it encompasses everything else. "Letter that Addresses The Prompt But Also Goes On To Talk About So Much More" Dear Alan from August 30 th , 2018, Although it would most likely break some law of physics if you were actually capable of reading this letter, I nonetheless address this letter to you, because the person that has been most affected by the events in my life that have transpired in the past eight and a half months was almost definitely you. You don’t know it yet (in fact, right now you’re probably just tired from having barely finished the summer assignment just last night), but you will learn so much about everything in the coming school year. Of course, on the surface of things, you learn the things you are supposed to learn in school. In Spanish, that is vocab, gr...