7A — And now I'm trying to get back...

Thankfully, I went to bed at a mildly more reasonable today—somewhere between 11PM and 1AM. (Wow, what a change.) Unfortunately, I slept in yet again.

I got some reading done today, for the AP Psychology assignment. Mostly I entertained myself by reading An Abundance of Katherines. My goal is to finish the psych reading by Wednesday, and then finish all of the actual assignment shortly after that. It's all about the initial cost of starting to write, and from there on out it should be pretty easy.

My home rapidly becomes even less interesting to me, and its environment is slowly made more and more caustic by the small reminders of various inadequacies and perceived transgressions which are delivered to me by my parents. This isn't to say that their intercession isn't abnormal or unappreciated, but it builds up over time to be a constant sort of pressure which is utterly unnecessary given the natural pressures I am already under. I consider myself fairly self-motivated when I'm not exhausted out of my mind, and although my life is a mess, it is a controlled mess which doesn't require more external forcing. They're nowhere near being helicopter or tiger parents per se, but it's just a mild nuisance. I know what I expect. I know what they expect. I'm working on it. I'll see it through, somehow. I did last school year, and I will this school year.

In a more neutral if not slightly positive note, time often seems to be going both too quickly and too slowly. This is a trend first pointed out to me at RSI, where the paradox is most obvious due to the nature of the summer camp and its rigorous demands, but it becomes true even now. Every day seems so long—I waste time and drag myself through each day—but the start of school and the first deadlines for apps are rapidly approaching, at a pace too quick for me to handle. Oh well. I'm excited, although extremely apprehensive, to take these tasks on.

Finally, it's apparently left-handers day today? I suppose I should celebrate by inconveniently elbowing someone or something, but that might require effort that I'm probably not willing to put in for one of my...less identity-defining characteristics.


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