166A — In my dreams I have a plan...

Today was a good day! I've left some slightly more depressing notes I wrote really late last night after reading Hamilton for a bit, but that in no way affected my mood today, which was probably good.

I woke up at 8:45 AM, again slightly too late to get to robotics on time, but eventually I arrived, and I was immediately deterred by a problem with a specific motor controller. This took us about an hour to solve, which was frustrating since it deterred us from working on actual work, but we eventually solved the problem, which was nice. Eventually, however, we started bashing out the mathematics and programming the Arduino's and the robot to successfully achieve our line-following code.

This was especially interesting, because the mathematics was actually easier than I expected it to be. I got it in essentially one shot, although it's not perfect per se. Maybe my math isn't as rusty as it used to be. Maybe I'm just lucky. In any case, we were at robotics all the way until about 4PM. From there, I went home, where I did not much. I read a little (Scientific American, Hamilton), relaxed a lot, etc., etc. I have quite a bit of homework left to do, of course, but it will get done, especially tomorrow, given that I have all of tomorrow off. I did prepare an outline for some AP Psychology homework, but all-in-all it was fine.

Dinner today was crab, which was surprisingly okay, and then I wrote today's poem (earlier than normal!) which was actually decent, titled "Great Minds\Company." Now, this blog, which is relatively earlier than normal. Maybe my sleep today will be work out for a nice wake-up time.

Poem is delayed until tomorrow, because then I'll have 20 to choose from, and that's a round number. Also tomorrow, a lot of homework, from Spanish to AP Psych, as well as reading!

And now, some thoughts from 12 AM me, yesterday:

I was laying in bed, reading the Hamilton book when I tuned back into my music (I tend to zone it out when reading because of my subvocalization) and heard, appropriately, "everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree" ("One Last Time", Hamilton), and my mind flew to a message from one of my friends, all the way back in August right after RSI, about how she heard the song randomly and flashbacked to when I sang it, and all my emotions flew from like iron fillings to a magnet. I don't want my own vine and fig tree. I would much rather be present in a community, sharing it with the people I miss so much. I want back in—if this year doesn't make me religious I don't know what will, because I am praying that everything goes well—college acceptances, build season, debate, etc. A lounge on a college campus, grinding out assignments at 2AM in the company of my best friends, sounds like a dream right now. Senioritis isn't a lack of motivation for high school but a disillusionment with it, a yearning for an imminent escape. What I wouldn't do for a hug from a Yanimal right now. Take me home, country roads...


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