228A — Black heart, black keys, black diamonds, blackout, black, everything black...

Today was a great day, but absolutely exhausting. It's hard for me to remember all of it, because it was so. damn. long. I'm really happy about how today went, even though it was stressful. We are currently in a really good position, especially because of our performance in matches, and this is definitely the best regional I've been to, so that's pretty good. It was essentially non-stop from 8:00 AM all the way to 6:45 PM.

I got up around 6:50 or so, and we arrived at the arena around 7:50. We started with chairman's, after some small pit maneuvers, and after a bit of practice the presentation went off with a few (apparently non-technical) hitches, which was fine. We moved through to matches—for me, sometimes cheering, sometimes tech-ing. Cheering was a lot of fun, and in general there were essentially no programming problems to really fix, so all of these factors in combination made the day a lot better than it otherwise would have been. That doesn't necessarily mean that there wasn't anxiety involved however.

We lost our first two matches against relatively formidable opponents (especially the first one), but the first match I tech-ed for was 21, which we won. After lunch, I tech-ed for match 33, which was amazing to watch because we got 4 ranking points, fully making up for one of the rounds we lost. I went to the stands after that, taking notes, dancing, and cheering, and the two rounds I watched we both won as well. It was so much fun desperately trying to follow dance moves that my uncoordinated body can't do, cheering and making noise sans restraint in a variety of situations (especially with the MC), and also yelling "bingo, baby!" whenever we scored. I tech-ed the last match, 60, which we lost by three (due to a hatch panel falling off the rocket, although that did inspire me to write a little bit of a FRC parody of  "Schuyler Defeated"). That was unfortunate, but we stayed for closing ceremony, and then left for dinner.

Dinner was at Chipotle, which we walked to from our hotel. (It's just across the street.) This was fine, apart from the intense rain on our way back. After that, we did a little bit of a scouting meeting, and then went to the pool for quite a while, where we may or may not have provoked a bit of a response from one slightly overzealous parent. Eventually, we returned to our rooms, where we kind of messed around for a bit, but we're going to sleep now, which is not totally unreasonable.

Tomorrow, prelims and (probably) elims. How it goes depends entirely on our alliance selection. I really hope it goes super well, but there's always a chance it goes very poorly as well. We'll simply have to see. I'm tech-ing one match in the morning out of the three we have (which may go poorly), and we'll see where that takes us.


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