323A — Because we come from everywhere, we all come from away...

Today was a long and relatively mediocre day, although it improved over time. After yesterday's blog, I packed and headed to the airport, having beaten the 24 hour mark for the first time. At this point, I started drifting in and out of consciousness, and this continued at the airport after security. At one point, I blacked out until around 9 AM. This was concerning because my flight was scheduled for around 8:30, and I panicked and headed to the desk only to find that my flight had been delayed.

I sat around and waited for the delay to pass, sleeping for brief periods here and there until around 10, where delays continued, then eventually jumped and the flight was canceled. This immediately dashed any hope I had had about making it to camp in time to see some classes, but I re-booked onto a flight for later in the day, via LaGuardia. (I also threw up once during these interactions due to lack of food, which was really great.) These flights were also delayed due to weather, but, as I called parents, sat around, ate lunch, called friends, talked to random old people, time passed fast enough to get me to my flight alive, and eventually I got to LaGuardia, where the wait time was pretty short. On the first flight, I saw the US Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom, who is an interesting person, to say the least. The second flight I sat next to someone who worked on summer camps for the Bermuda Education Department (or equivalent). Despite this, I managed to sleep through takeoff and descent (although not landing) on both flights, making up for some of my sleep deprivation.

I took a much less crowded T back to MIT, and had a chill evening, eating dinner, getting my ID and key back, etc., until we went to a staff meeting and went over bedcheck notes, as I hosted my first bedcheck afterwards! It was a little crunched for time, which resulted in me talking really fast, but they're a really great group and mesh well together, which is exciting. We worked through all the agenda items and then I headed back up to another meeting, before coming back down and sitting at the table with some of the kids seeing how they were feeling. (Answer: good!) I can only get more excited for what happens next.

Tomorrow, first full day of RSI. At this rate, however, sleep deprivation will be the prominent effect. Hm.


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