360A — One more day to revolution...

A weight settles on my chest, but I do not know where it originates from, nor what it is. Even though my eyes are open, my surroundings are dark, and in the ocean of void I spy little specks of light which I can only assume are stars. My arms and legs are paralyzed, and yet I feel no anxiety, no energy for struggle. Instead, I passively submit myself to the universe, as the lights grow gradually larger, approaching me and overwhelming me in their warmth. The weight stays.

Today was a great day.

I got up today at 7:20 AM or so, which was around two hours of sleep. Despite this, I was surprisingly awake for the first session of talks (partially a result of Dr. Pepper), and actually managed to enjoy some of the talks then. Then, session two hit. Session two was a 100% math block and the caffeine was wearing off at this point, and so by the time we hit lunch I was about to PTFO.

Thankfully, however, it was lunch time, and some of the counselors ran to Sebastian's and back. I watched a single bio talk and then ran back up to the math room to watch the rest of the talks, most of which were decently interesting but also tended to be possible doze-fodder. After talks, a portion of my lab group went to Oath, which was fun (fortunately, I'd been working on mentorship stuff all day). I went to Media Lab, watched part of The Dictator with a different counselor group, and wrote this poem about saying goodbye:

My heart hurts saying 'bye' to you,
but I know these words I write are true:
I love you more than I could ever say.
I'll help you out in every single way.

I came back to leave that poem on random whiteboards in Baker, and then held my last bedcheck, which was so bittersweet. There was cake, and there was love shared by all of us. My kids got me the best presents I could've ever asked for, and I love them all so much. After a staff meeting, I took some of them to watch a movie in 3-270. What a great time.

We printed stuff after getting back and I'm writing this before sleeping somewhere rather memey. Tomorrow, more presentations and the last official day of RSI. Sad.


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