K: If I'm not doing this for myself, then what am I doing it for?

I don't like the fact that I'm taking extra time out of my day to write this. I expect this post to be a long ramble through a series of thoughts which have been sort of chaotically swirling around my head recently, and although it's possible that observing them and writing them down will collapse them, like a wavefunction, I don't really think it's likely. I also don't like the fact that writing this feels like a waste of time. I'm writing this down to work through how I feel—that seems have some inherent value, beyond anything acquiring some additional points on a problem set or a final project could create. Besides, I'm going to pass these classes no matter what, right? Right? If I'm not doing this for myself, then what am I doing it for? If I'm not writing this for myself, then what am I doing it for? Some abstract audience? If I'm not taking these classes for myself, then what am I doing it for? A 'P' somewhere on a transc...