maps, brochures, programs, and other memorabilia (ft. extensive photos of my carpet)

For uninteresting reasons, I've recently had to move all of my stuff from one room in my house to another. There are two factors which combine to make this process interesting: one, I've lived in the first room for over 10 years at this point, and, two, I've always had a penchant for collecting and keeping memorabilia. This means that while cleaning, I've found all sorts of old stuff—a journal I kept in 2008 (i.e. when I was six years old), a small collection of rocks from the hills in the area, the sheet music for a small song I wrote in elementary school. Three particularly prominent categories of items are maps, brochures, and programs, and so over the past few days I've been scouring them and taking an inventory. From the pile I went through, I found 31 brochures (a broadly defined term referring to descriptions of locations, including maps of attractions), 21 maps, and 7 programs. These span a range of around 13 years, from 2006 to 2019; the earliest strongly c...