235A — House lights shut off, and here we go...
Today was a decent day, defined by decisions (hey look, alliteration!). I'm not entirely satisfied with either of them, but, as "Schuyler Defeated" explains, "sometimes that's how it goes." This morning was slightly less of a struggle than I had expected it to be, although that doesn't mean that getting up wasn't still difficult. I completely forgot my string sectional in the morning for the pit orchestra, so ended up arriving at school a little later than usual and doing homework. Before school, I had decided to settle my NSB vs. worlds misery with two coin flips. (They both ended up worlds.) Unfortunately, this did not end my misery. I continued to waffle during my first two class periods, and this made remembering what happened in them a little difficult. AP Psych was notes, I'm pretty sure, and Spanish involved a few relatively low-stakes projects that put my grade in the class back up significantly. I needed a tiebreaker, and that tiebre...